Outdoor lights and other Christmas decorations are nice to look at, but can be a nightmare to install. If you plan on decorating the outside of your home, you need to make sure you follow a few important tips to prevent damaging your home or injuring yourself in the process.
Avoid Attaching Decorations to Your Shingles Don't attach hooks directly to your shingles. Doing so leaves holes and cracks that allow moisture to penetrate deep inside, weakening the structure. Instead fasten hooks and nails to other areas that are made of wood or are hidden under eaves.
Don't Get Shocked! Always be aware of where your wires are when you are hammering in nails or placing screws. You should also carefully check all wires that are being used to make sure there are no frayed areas or exposed wires.
Use the Buddy System Before you begin to put up your decorations, enlist the help of a friend. Having a buddy on hand will keep you from having to get on and off the ladder if you forget something. They can also help stabilize the ladder or hold any decorations that you may need an extra hand for.
Hire a Professional If you want to decorate your home, but are afraid that you can't accomplish it on your own, contact an area roofing professional. They will send someone out or refer you to someone that can help you get the job done without damaging your home or yourself.
Take Your Time When the season is over and you are ready to take down the decorations, remember not to rush. Jerking them down can damage the siding of your home as well as your decorations. Take them down as carefully as you put them up and you will be ready for next year.